Meet our team

Evelyn Ferguson

Founder and ADHD training developer.

My journey began with the birth of my first child, a moment that changed my life in ways I could never have imagined. Becoming a mother taught me patience beyond measure, a deeper understanding of what it means to truly listen, and the importance of seeing the world through my child eyes. When my son was diagnosed with ADHD, everything I thought I knew changed. In the process of learning how to support my child, I also discovered something unexpected: I, too, have ADHD.

That discovery was a turning point—not just for me as a mother, but for me as a person. Suddenly, I understood the challenges I had faced my whole life and why things that seemed so simple for others felt so overwhelming for me. But instead of holding me back, this realization gave me purpose. My son’s journey gave me the courage to embrace who I am, and most importantly, it ignited a fierce determination to make a difference—not just for him, but for every child who needs support, understanding, and someone to believe in them.

I began working as a Teaching Assistant in primary schools, where I encountered children from all walks of life. Many of them, like my son, had unique challenges that made learning difficult. Watching these children struggle without the resources or support they needed broke my heart. But it also gave me hope. I saw their potential, their resilience, and their ability to thrive when someone took the time to see them, hear them, and believe in them.

Over time, I fell in love with teaching. I earned a BA in Education and trained to become a teacher, dedicating myself to understanding how children learn, how they process information, and how I could help them overcome their obstacles. 

But it wasn’t just about teaching skills. It was about giving these children a voice. It was about showing them that they are capable, worthy, and valued, no matter what challenges they face.

My passion drove me to establish the Peak Foundation—an organization dedicated to giving children with special needs the opportunities they deserve while helping schools like mine provide the best education possible.

Priscilla Hughes

Co-founder and SEN Phonics training developer. 

After earning a BA in Graphic Design and spending several years as a freelance designer, I realized something was missing—a sense of purpose and a desire to give back. That search for meaning led me to education, where I began working as a Teaching Assistant. It was here that I discovered my true passion: supporting and inspiring children from diverse abilities, backgrounds, and religions.

This experience ignited my journey to become a teacher, and it was in the classroom that I found a love for teaching phonics and helping children learn to read and write. Watching children develop new skills, gain confidence, and foster a love for reading has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my career.

As my passion for teaching grew, I delved deeper into understanding how children process information and how cognitive development affects their ability to learn. I became particularly focused on finding ways to better support children with special educational needs (SEN), ensuring they too could unlock the magic of reading and writing.

This incredible journey ultimately led to the development of a phonics training program tailored for all children, with a special emphasis on making learning accessible and effective for SEN students. My mission is to help every child discover their potential and succeed, regardless of the challenges they may face.